Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My favorite little munchkins <3

These kiddos right here are probably the cutest baby cousins I have. I absolutely love these kids so much they are some of the cutest kids I know. Lucy is 1 and Jude is 5, they are growing up so fast, I remember the day both of them were born like it was yesterday, both days I was coming home from my camp in Greenville. I had gotten a text from my Aunie telling me that her daughter Heidi was in labor with her first, Jude, and that she would take lots of pictures for me where I wasn’t going to be able to make it in time to be there the minute he was born.
I babysit them every once in a while when Heidi and her husband need a night out, which allows time for me and the children to play. They are the easiest kids to watch, they like watching movies, with a snack halfway through, Lucy likes playing with her dolls and while Jude plays Black Ops. I love sitting back and watching them play together such as hide n’ seek, pirates with star wars lifesavers, and tons of more games that they think up with their creative minds.
Let me tell you a little bit about Jude. Jude is one of the most hyperactive kids I have ever met, at one moment he could be playing his video games and the next second you turn around to check on him and he has gotten into everything and ate all the food in the entire house. He says some of the cutest things kids his age can say, I can’t even begin to describe some of the stuff that comes out of that kids mouth. Jude is so intelligent and is so hard to ignore, he loves cuddling with me and watching a movie. You can always count on him to make you feel better when you are having a bad day, he will climb into your lap and sing whatever comes to his head in that moment and leave so hard not to laugh.
Lucy, Oh Lucy. She is a one year old that thinks she lives the life of a typical seventeen year old. She enjoys watching the Kardashians, and going shopping for the next new outfit. She loves snuggle times and much like her brother, says some of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. I have never met a toddler that likes to shop as much as her. I went shopping with Lucy her mother and grammy and we were literally shopping for eight hours straight and she never once whined about being tired or wanting to go home she was trying on every stiletto heel in that store looking for the “perfect one.”

These munchkins are two of my favorite kids to watch, they are never in a bad mood, and always have something to do they never leave me bored. So excited to watch them this weekend. J