Sunday, March 23, 2014

Best Friend or Sister?

Everyone has a person that is closest to them, whether it’s a family member, or someone you have known a while. You could do some of the most stupid things together or do absolutely nothing and have the best time together no matter what. I refer to this person as a best friend, they are the people that are always there for you when times get rough and to always be by your side no matter what.
                I have a different story when it comes to how I met my best friend. We meet during basketball season of our freshman year and we just didn't talk much. We worked well together on the court but when it came to in our outside of school we never saw each other.
                Winter of our sophomore year we both played together again in basketball and for some reason we just didn't get along. Every time there was drill we chose each other to guard and we really go rough with each other. I had always thought that she didn't like me because of the weird looks she gave me in the hall, and it turns out that that’s just what she does when she passes people in the hall. Weird right? I remember during one practice we just got sooo completely rude with each other and she started to cry. When we both got home that night we texted each other and apologized to each other and from that night we have only gotten closer as friends. I find it weird that we became friends over being complete jerks to each other but as weird as it sounds I’m glad that it happened because it made of best friends like we are today.
                We have been best friends since December 13, 2012, I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything she is like a sister to me. I know my sister, who passed, wouldn't mind me saying this because she knows how close to Jasmine I am, and I know she would have loved her if she had had the chance to meet her. And I know she does love her. Sure we have our arguments but doesn't every friendship? When we do get into an argument we talk things over and before we know it we are laughing and joking around again when we thought we were mad at each other. This is why we are meant to be best friends we can’t stay mad at each other.

                Jasmine is my absolute best friend, we have so many memories together that we think are hilarious but find ourselves in trouble when we try to tell people about it, but they never think it’s as funny as we do. Sometimes we can just look at each other and burst out laughing. I don’t know about you but I think everything I have just told you pretty much describes the definition of a best friend.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Dreams do come true

                I’ve always been a skeptic in believing that someone can make a wish and it coming true. Is it really possible to make a wish and have that wish come true? Do things just happen to work out the way people want, or is there some sort of wish god that hears you and gives you what he or she thinks you deserve.
                I believe there is such thing as a wish god, or someone of greater power up above that hears our requests and does what he or she believes is deserved. In the past I have never believed in making wishes or them coming true. Do wishes actually come true or is all coincidence? Think about it for a minute, what makes dreams come true? Maybe things like this are possible.
                I grew up with my two twin cousins Joshua and Justin George, they were like brothers to me. I went to their house every day after school to wait for my mom to get out of work to come pick me up. Now they are twenty five years old and one lives with his girlfriend in town and the other one lives a happily married life to his wife.
                This blog is going to be focused on Justin and his wife Jessica. They found out that they were pregnant January of 2013, they were so happy. They were also planning a wedding for June at this time, so it made is a little difficult. She hadn’t even made it past her first trimester yet and they came home with bad news, they informed us that she had miscarried and she was devastated. The family felt horrible I will never forget what she told me, “I feel as if it’s my fault.” It wasn’t her fault she did nothing wrong.
 We all felt terrible for her and Justin, we wanted for them in the worst way to try again for a baby but they were living in fear of the same thing happening again. Later that night, all my family but me decided on Chinese for supper one night I just ate something else were I don’t like Chinese. I opened my mom’s fortune cookie and the piece of paper “things happen for a reason.”  They soon learned that it happens more then they think and they learned that if they want a child they will have to try again and hope for the best. Five months after they were newly married they conceived. She is now 23 weeks and 1 day they will soon be the parents of a healthy baby boy in July.   

Did my wish work, or was it all by coincidence? I guess there is no way of being able to tell if my wish worked, but I am a strong believer now that someone of higher power heard my wish approved of it. Never give up on anything if it doesn’t go right, because in the end something great could happen so never give up on anything.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My favorite little munchkins <3

These kiddos right here are probably the cutest baby cousins I have. I absolutely love these kids so much they are some of the cutest kids I know. Lucy is 1 and Jude is 5, they are growing up so fast, I remember the day both of them were born like it was yesterday, both days I was coming home from my camp in Greenville. I had gotten a text from my Aunie telling me that her daughter Heidi was in labor with her first, Jude, and that she would take lots of pictures for me where I wasn’t going to be able to make it in time to be there the minute he was born.
I babysit them every once in a while when Heidi and her husband need a night out, which allows time for me and the children to play. They are the easiest kids to watch, they like watching movies, with a snack halfway through, Lucy likes playing with her dolls and while Jude plays Black Ops. I love sitting back and watching them play together such as hide n’ seek, pirates with star wars lifesavers, and tons of more games that they think up with their creative minds.
Let me tell you a little bit about Jude. Jude is one of the most hyperactive kids I have ever met, at one moment he could be playing his video games and the next second you turn around to check on him and he has gotten into everything and ate all the food in the entire house. He says some of the cutest things kids his age can say, I can’t even begin to describe some of the stuff that comes out of that kids mouth. Jude is so intelligent and is so hard to ignore, he loves cuddling with me and watching a movie. You can always count on him to make you feel better when you are having a bad day, he will climb into your lap and sing whatever comes to his head in that moment and leave so hard not to laugh.
Lucy, Oh Lucy. She is a one year old that thinks she lives the life of a typical seventeen year old. She enjoys watching the Kardashians, and going shopping for the next new outfit. She loves snuggle times and much like her brother, says some of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. I have never met a toddler that likes to shop as much as her. I went shopping with Lucy her mother and grammy and we were literally shopping for eight hours straight and she never once whined about being tired or wanting to go home she was trying on every stiletto heel in that store looking for the “perfect one.”

These munchkins are two of my favorite kids to watch, they are never in a bad mood, and always have something to do they never leave me bored. So excited to watch them this weekend. J

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Community Love

                Bucksport, Maine, no one would ever be able to pin point this out to you on a map, or show you how to get there unless they have been there. A small town that I love and would live nowhere else but here if I had the choice.
            There are so many people that come through my line at work, some from out of state, and often ask me, “Don’t you ever get sick of living in such a small town?”
People amaze me. Many people won’t and don’t live in a small town like bucksport and orland for the excuse of it not being “Civilization” or close enough to a big town with things to do.
            I don’t care what people say about living here, I love it. Bucksport may not be the biggest town in maine and have the most to do, but it where I call home. I lived in orland and attended orland school with fifteen or so other classmates. Orland school was so nice it was a small school of about only 150 students at the most, where everyone knew everyone. This town is where all of my childhood memories lie, where I grew up and where I learned in school. In early November of 2011 I moved into a cute little log cabin in bucksport which I now call home.
After officially living in bucksport for three years now I would never want to live anywhere else. This small town has been through so much in so little time and everyone has been there for each other. It’s amazing how a community comes together in sadness or when someone is in need. When a family is having a rough time and trying to get back on their feet, they know that they can count on the town of bucksport to help fundraise and be there for them through this time.

            This town may not be the biggest community but it is the biggest community when it your talking about the amount of love and  support that people are willing to give.

Friday, March 14, 2014

My life

         Every person lives their life, with their family and friends, a completely different way then someone such as me. They say life is about doing what makes you happy and spending time with people that make you happy. I am a person that lives this way, I believe in spending time with people that make you happy and doing what makes you happy.

          I am a wicked family and friends person, I love being around people with positive attitude and that enjoy life as much as I do. I enjoy holidays and birthdays a lot because I know that these are some times that my family all gets together to celebrate and enjoy each other. My family is what holds me together I love each and every one of my family members all equally. My house consists of three people me, my mom, my stepdad, oh and my cat Chase. But when holidays come around I’m usually with my 2 pairs of aunts and uncles, mom, stepdad, granny and my 2 cousins and one’s wife all get together and spend some quality time catching up and celebrating whatever event it may be.

         The second most important thing in life to me is sports.  I love sports, I watch football, volleyball, and sometimes hunting with my grandfather. I play varsity volleyball with my team, we work hard every practice but still have plenty of fun especially during games. I'm a very competitive person and love being on the court I have a hard time staying calm when I'm on the bench I love to be on the court. Volleyball does not require a lot of running but it requires a lot of concentration and quick reactions which I don't have but volleyball has helped me look at a situation and read it and react to it before it happens.

         Singing is my passion, no I'm not as good as a lot of other people but I strive to be my best at all times. I do a lot of local talent shows to try and get my voice out there and to be heard through the messages in the songs I sing. I sing solos in every chorus concert that we do because I enjoy it music and learning it comes easy to me. Music is a way of expressing my feelings and sharing them with others. Everyone has a talent and enjoys sharing it just the same as i do :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Watching from Heaven's Doors

I talk about my sister a lot in english and I feel like sometimes its too much but then I realized that thats my way of reaching to her, and of way of writing how im feeling in that moment. I talk to my sister a lot before bed and when I get up in the morning so she knows im thinking of her. I could never forget that night even if I wanted to. It was aweful I thought it was some kind of awful joke that wasn't true, but it was. This was so hard to believe for 5 weeks I was in denial "this didn't happen, it was a bad dream, she is really okay, she is really okay." Yet still no being able to contact her. At her wake my last time seeing my sister,  I didn't cry. Sitting front with the rest of my family at her funeral, I didn't cry. I didn't believe all of this was really happening, i was still in that state of "shock" I wouldn't allow my self to cry and show that soft side that I had, she had alway know me never to cry and always called me  "a tough cookie." Looking back now She was my rock, my only sibling. It's so hard to communicate with someone who you were so close to when they are no longer with you. You feel like they can never here you, and you can no longer hear their response,  see them just one more time,  hear their laugh or the sound of yours when they are with you. We were so close, spending the weekends with each other at my dad's going to the mall and showing him how to shop; memories I will never forget. We looked forward to every weekend, I was never fond of going to people's houses until I was older I would be scared but she invited me over for the night and I went over and when it came time to go to bed I started to get scared and wanted to go home but she calmed me down and showed me everything was okay. The one thing that haunts me every night when I'm lying awake thinking of her is how many firsts she will never have. She never got to go to her Senior prom, never got to continue on with her strong passion of art, get married, have children, and watch her other siblings grow up, now she has to watch us from heavens doors. Thats just isn't fair. So if your reading this babygirl I miss you. "I love you more" <3